Kypreos Group is heading into 2023 with an attitude that’s all about positivity, resilience and stepping up to the challenges of the next chapter. 


As we pick our way through the rubble left behind by the year 2022, it’s a good time to reflect, take stock and start making plans again.

At work and at home, this year showed many of us what we were really made of. Practically overnight, the stable foundations we had built over many years (five decades in the case of Kypreos) were shaken and our ‘ways of doing things’ were forced to change.

While construction and infrastructure didn’t face the doors-closed problems of industries like air travel and hospitality, we still found ourselves switching to remote meeting models and adapting COVID safe practices. This all happened while we were trying to get our heads around how to keep our families provided for and safe.

It has been incredible to witness so many of our partners, stakeholders, clients and staff keep pace with the step-change that was required to keep people occupied and employed during the shutdown periods. It has also been very encouraging to see the commitment the NSW government has invested in infrastructure, generating hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Here are a couple of the reasons I believe so many Australian businesses have stood strong during the stress caused by COVID.

Long term resilience


As shared by Mckinsey & Company in their intriguing report into what makes a resilient business, “Resilient executives will likely display a more comfortable relationship with uncertainty that allows them to spot opportunities and threats and rise to the occasion with equanimity.”

McKinsey’s ‘Resilience Playbook’ includes a sharp digital program, a simplified organisation and the right band of leaders.

A resilient business comes with time. It stems from careful planning and budgeting, plus the right systems and technology. It also stems from a leadership team that has an innovative, flexible mindset.

Kypreos Group, despite being proud of our past achievements, has always moved with the times. We are always looking for ways to do things differently and better so our business can move forward with the times.

Great people


There is so much to be said for a ‘can do’ culture, especially in years like this one.

When your team is engaged and motivated, they are looking towards the future rather than rolling with minimum standards and spending most of the day waiting for the end of their shift.

While no business is perfect, we are proud to have a growing ‘Ten Year Club’ of staff who have been with us for more than a decade. To encourage this kind of loyalty, we provide training and development programs, which allow for internal career progression.

Our culture is something we work hard on and will continue to have as a focus area in 2021 and beyond.

Sustainable approach


When it comes to the work we do, there will always be environmental impact. However, Kypreos Group is staying resilient in the current situation of climate change by actively seeking ways to minimise our carbon footprint as we create more streamlined and efficient urban areas.

This includes pioneering the use of recycled materials in asphalt as well as continually looking at ways to divert waste from landfill.

With so much at stake, we are highly motivated to be part of the solution, not the problem, especially as Australia (hopefully) progresses towards a more climate-friendly future.

Kypreos is proud to be heading into this new decade as a resilient company when it comes to projects, employment opportunities and environmental responsibility. For more information, visit our website at

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